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How It Works
The Hyper Pools work on 4 distinct levels that unlock as you fill the other levels. The base of what you earn on is predicated on the amount of your investment in Level 1, LP Trading Pairs or Single Bridge LP Assets.
Each Hyper Pool is on the BSC. This means if you create LP Tokens on other chains and have Scion NFTs that correspond with the same chain the LP is created on, you will bridge them to the BSC.
Each asset in the pool serves as either the base or multiplier for the pool.
The Hyper Pools have four different levels to maximize your investment in Sphynx assets.
The Hyper Pools grow your earnings as you grow your Sphynx Assets
The Hyper Pools do not give out Sphynx Tokens, meaning there is no minting of tokens. This is a real yield of stables and USDT. If you are in the paired LP (BNB/SPHYNX, etc.), the APR will fluctuate based on price. You always earn on what you put in. It may look like you are earning less due to a change is price, but it is based on what you put in. Since it is a real yield, it adjusts to be in line with what you should be receiving based on your pool. If the APR drops, you are still earning on what you put in.
LP Tokens (Trading Pairs, Bridge Asset LP)
Base Investment (What you earn on)
Natives based on chain LP provided
Sphynx Tokens
Pool Multiplier (Multiplier on base investment)
Natives based on chain LP provided
Sphynx Scion NFT
Pool Multiplier (Multiplier on base investment)
Natives based on chain LP provided
Sphynx Aegis NFT
Pool Multiplier (Multiplier on base investment)
Needed for Multiplier
Level 1: LP Tokens
Minimum: $50
Maximum: None
Base Investment
Level 2: Sphynx Tokens
Minimum: 10,000
Maximum: 4,000,000
Level 3: Sphynx Scion NFT
Minimum: 1
Maximum: 16
Level 4: Sphynx Aegis NFT
Minimum: 1
Maximum: 9
Level 1: $5000
Base LP Investment
Level 2: 10000
Sphynx Tokens
Level 3: 4
Scion NFTs
Level 4: 3
Aegis NFTs
Total: Minimum Multipliers
1.25x Multiplier Earning on $6260 LP
Level 1: $5000
Base LP Investment
Level 2: 4000000
Sphynx Tokens
Level 3: 16
Scion NFTs
Level 4: 9
Aegis NFTs
Total: Maximum Multipliers
4x Multiplier Earning on $20000 LP