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Trading on Sphynx Labs is very easy compared to most exchanges.
Before you can trade, you will need a Binance Smart Chain/Ethereum/Cronos/Bitgert/APEX/LOOP compatible wallet. You can learn how to get one . You will also need to have some tokens to trade with. You can learn how to get some .
1. Go to the exchange page .
2. Unlock your Binance Smart Chain/Ethereum/Cronos/Bitgert/APEX/LOOP wallet by clicking Connect Wallet (you can also Connect in the top right-hand corner). If you haven't yet connected your wallet to Sphynx Labs, you can view the guide to .
3. Choose the token you want to trade from the dropdown menu in the Top section. The default setting is BNB/CRO/BRISE/ETH/APEX/LOOP.
Whichever token you choose, you will need to make sure you have some to trade with. Your balance is shown above the token dropdown menu.
4. Choose the token you want to trade to in the bottom section as above. Next, type an amount for your "To" currency by clicking inside the input box.
Your "From" currency amount will be estimated automatically. You can also type your "From" amount and have the "To" amount estimate automatically if you like.
5. Check the details, and click the Swap button.
6. A window with more details will appear. Check the details are correct.
When you are ready, click the Confirm Swap button. Your wallet will ask you to confirm the action.
7. Done! You can click View on BscScan to see your transaction details on the explorer.
You can check this educational video on